Nova’s Rerouting Analogy.
Jo Nova’s “pipes and dams” analogy fails in its purpose and
highlights the flaws in this rerouting thinking.
Nova’s Analogy.
Nova doesn’t understand her analogy.
An analogy is used without the realisation that an analogy
cannot be expected to account for all the features that it is supposed to
The obvious.
When greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere it doesn’t
stop radiation escaping to space when equilibrium is reached. If it did the Earth
would not stop getting hotter and hotter. Conventional thinking with vast
amounts of research and evidence are dismissed by this rerouting proposal.
The myth
presented by the rerouting idea is based on the simplistic thinking that if the
energy is just eventually all radiated to space by whatever means then the
surface can’t get warmer. It also then assumes that if water vapour plays a
part in this then it must be a negative feedback. This confuses the part that
water vapour plays in the Planck response with the positive feedback due to
water vapour.
The Explanation.
When equilibrium is reached in her very large “bath tub” the
outgoing flow will still equal the ingoing flow. This is still true even as the
pipes are partially blocked. David Archer I recall made some very good
analogies using bath tubs for educational purposes. David Archer was well aware
of how the analogy worked and its limitations.
It should have been obvious to Nova that if the level in the
reservoir did not rise then the flow to the other pipes would not increase. As
Nova herself should have realised... how would the other pipes know or even
“think” that ....unless the reservoir level rose and added extra pressure to
make these other flows increase?
This of course IS the Planck response. It is sometimes referred
to as a negative feedback but what it really means is that the Earth’s surface
and atmosphere heats up to a new level increasing the outgoing long wave radiation
to what is was prior to the addition of the extra greenhouse gases.
When greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere the
initial outgoing LW radiation is reduced. The Earth responds by getting warmer
until the outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere again is in balance
with the incoming solar energy. The bath tub level raises until the total outgoing
flows equal the incoming flows to the reservoir.
The analogy is
The greenhouse effect works by greenhouse gases absorbing
and emitting longwave radiation. When more GHG are added to the atmosphere more
back radiation heats the surface which in turn increases the outgoing LW
radiation and eventually (at equilibrium) the outgoing radiation will equal
that of the incoming radiation.
Since CO2 raises the temperature of the atmosphere then the
amount of water vapour will increase making the greenhouse effect larger. Thus
water vapour will increase the amount of radiation to space but also the
radiation back to the surface. This is a positive feedback and not a negative
Genuine research.
This rerouting proposal
reminds me of a genuine scientific
investigation by Lacis et al using GCM’s whereby different gases could be added
to the atmosphere or removed from the atmosphere and the effects observed.
By comparing the top of the atmosphere outgoing radiation with
the surface radiation, a global average greenhouse effect, GHE, is
experimentally observed on Earth to be about 152W/m2. This can be
verified using the GCM’s whereby all GHG are removed as seen in the short term.
(Greater surface cooling is observed if these GHG are removed over longer terms
because the ice albedo positive feedback kicks in). If CO2 is singly added to
the GHG depleted atmosphere it creates about 40W/m2 immediately to the GHE.
This value is larger than its contribution today because it overlaps with
wavelengths that would be absorbed by water vapour, WV, mainly but also by
other GHG. This overlap can be quantified by another experiment. If CO2 alone
is removed from an otherwise complete GHG compliment then it reduces the GHE by
24W/m2. In this case the other GHG’s absorb wavelengths that would be absorbed
by CO2. Lacis et al calculate a normalised GHE due to CO2 in our present
atmosphere of 31W/m2 or about 20% of the GHE. Similarly it can be shown that WV
contributes about 75% of the GHE. However, importantly, they also look at the
response of a WV only depleted atmosphere and notice that within days the WV is
returned due mainly to the influence on temperature from the presence of the
other GHG’s and in particular CO2. (In fact they estimate that about 80% of the
WV is returned due to GHG from similar experiments by finding out how much WV
would exist without any of the other non-condensing GHG). This of course is a
measure of the WV feedback.
Nova has crudely attempted to look at these overlaps, ignore
the positive WV feedback and instead has confused the role of water vapour’s
contribution to the Planck response as a negative feedback.
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